Pest Control by Pestward Canada | Windsor – Essex – Ontario

It is imperative that you clean your home prior to the pest control treatment, and to continue to keep your home clean as long as possible for long-term results. If you keep your home clean, the cockroaches will be more easily attracted to the bait and not to food sources around the home this includes pet food! 

Please note, you will need to vacate for 3 hours from the time of treatment. Pets need to be locked away in an untreated room OR out of the premise completely as well if possible!

Here is a handy checklist to help get your home ready for treatment:

  • Remove all items from cabinets and underneath sinks such as silverware, dishes, pots, pans, open food, etc. These items need to be cleaned and  placed in bags or boxes and need to be removed from the kitchen area to provide a better workspace for the technician. 
  • Small appliances such as toasters, microwaves, and coffee makers can remain on counters as these items will need to be inspected and treated if necessary.
  • Remove all food from cupboards and pantries. Inspect each item for holes, cockroaches, eggs, fecal matter, – if any, discard these items immediately.
  • Any food that has no signs of infestation should be stored in an airtight container.
  • Make sure to clean the following areas in your kitchen: 

Under stove burner lid

Inside stove

Under microwave

Behind the fridge

All cupboards and food areas

*Please note: if you are unable to pull out the stove or fridge, please contact us prior to your treatment and we can arrange assistance. 

  • In the bathrooms, put away all toothbrushes, water glasses, and personal items and remove personal items from underneath the sink.
  • If you have cockroaches in other rooms besides the kitchen and bathroom, move any items away from the baseboards.
  • Make sure to put all children and pet toys away. Place all pet food and water dishes inside plastic bags and remove them from areas that will need to be treated.

Take note of areas you have seen activity and let your technician know!

After the Cockroach Treatment is Complete

  • Clean all countertops, tables, and food preparation surfaces thoroughly.
  • Be patient, the process can take 3 weeks to 2 months to eliminate all cockroaches!

To Prevent Future Infestations

  • Reduce Clutter throughout the home
  • Always store food (including pet food) in sealed containers or inside sealed areas such as the refrigerator or freezer, (NEVER STORE FOOD ON THE FLOOR).
  • Keep all sinks and drains clean and sanitized, as cockroaches will find food in these areas.
  • Keep all plumbing in good repair.
  • Be sure to keep all appliances including stoves, grills, refrigerators, tables, sinks, etc; should be cleaned and well maintained on a daily basis.
  • Pots, pans, dishes, glassware, utensils, etc; need to be properly cleaned and sanitized, and stored in a clean container after each use.
  • Keep floors clean and sanitized
  • Clean floors by sweeping and mopping on a regular basis.
  • Clean and maintain walls and ceilings
  • Make sure that all of your garbage containers are leak-proof and covered. Empty these containers often.
  • Cooperate with the technician on any special recommendations to help remove any pest harborage inside the home in order to prevent conditions conducive to further infestation.