Pest Control by Pestward Canada | Windsor – Essex – Ontario

Important Steps Prior to Treatment

To ensure the best results, please follow through and check off our preparation list below carefully. It is crucial to the success of the treatment that you follow these instructions. Any amount of clutter, debris, and unchecked harborage points can lead to re-infestation. 

Please note, you will need to vacate for 4 hours from time of treatment. Pets (from birds to rabbits, hamsters, cats, dogs and fish in small bowls) need to be locked away in an untreated room OR out of the premises completely if possible! Fish in a big aquarium can stay in your home, just make sure to cover the tank tightly with plastic.

Here is a handy checklist to help get your home ready for treatment:

In the Living Room:

  • Move all furniture and other items at least 60 cm (24 inches or 2 feet) away from walls.
  • Clean and vacuum underneath all furniture.
  • Do not put small items on top of a couch or other furniture.
  • Wash pillowcases, blankets, area rugs, carpets etc; as soon as you can with hot water and dry for at least 30 minutes on high heat.
  • After washing, put clean items in new plastic bags and do not open until your treatment is finished.
  • Sweep or vacuum the living room before treatment.

In the Bedrooms:

  • Move all furniture and other items 60 cm (24 inches or 2 feet) away from walls.

*Please note: if you are unable to pull out the stove or fridge, please contact us prior to your treatment and we can arrange assistance. 

  • Clean and vacuum underneath all beds, dressers and furniture in bedroom.
  • Put small items in closed drawers or storage containers. Do not leave items on top of beds, dressers, or other furniture.
  • Take all sheets, pillow cases and blankets off the beds. Put in plastic garbage bags, tie tightly, and mark with “To Wash”. 
  • Wash all clothing, bedsheets, linens with hot water and dry in high heat for at least 30 minutes.
  • After washing, put clean items in new plastic bags and do not open until your treatment is finished.
  • Do not put clean sheets, pillow cases and blankets back on beds until treatment is complete!
  • Sweep or vacuum all bedrooms before treatment.

In Closets or Storage Rooms:

  • Take everything off closet floors. Do this in every room — bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms and hallways.
  • In rooms you keep things like bikes, toys, toolboxes, or exercise equipment, move all items at least 60 cm (24 inches or 2 feet) away from the walls.
  • Sweep or vacuum all closet floors and storage rooms before treatment.

After Treatment:

When you return home:

  • Do not wash floors around walls, or windows, for 4 weeks.
  • Wash bedding at least every 6 days. You can also just run through a dry cycle. This must be done every 4-6 days to maximize the success.
  • Sweep or vacuum floors every day, for 1 week.
  • If a mattress cover is put on your bed during treatment, it must be left on.
  • Never take the cover off your mattress.
  • Open plastic bags with clean blankets and sheets for your beds.
  • Open plastic bags with clean clothes and other laundry.
  • It is fine to put all your furniture and other items back in place.
  • VERY IMPORTANT: If you find any plastic bags with “dirty laundry” or “to be washed” — do not open!
  • Remove these bags from your home and wash items, as soon as you can.