Pest Control by Pestward Canada | Windsor – Essex – Ontario

Merchant Grain Beetles

Also known as: Oryzaephilus mercator

The merchant grain beetle is a common stored product pest found not only in Canada but worldwide. This stored product pest thrives in packaged grains, fruits, and tobacco. In homes, the insects primarily infest dry pantry goods.

How to Identify Merchant Grain Beetles?

Adults are small brown slender beetles, about 3 mm in length. Adults are very similar morphologically to sawtoothed grain beetle. May be separated from sawtoothed grain beetles based on the width of the temple (wider in sawtoothed grain beetle). Larvae are white to pale yellow and flattened

Signs of an Infestation

The sight of adult grain beetles crawling on surfaces near stored products indicates a possible infestation. In improperly sealed and stored foods, visible entry and exit holes may become visible.

Merchant Grain Beetles Removal

To get rid of the insects, residents can try heating infested pantry items to 58 degrees Celsius for one hour or freezing them at -18 degrees Celsius for six days. Contaminated areas should be cleaned and vacuumed carefully.

For more efficient pest control options, contact your local pest control experts at Orkin Canada to remove merchant grain beetles from a kitchen or pantry.

How to Prevent Merchant Grain Beetles from Invading

The best way to avoid the introduction of merchant grain beetles is to check dry goods after purchase. Consumers should report any infested products to the store or supermarket. Keeping grains and cereals in glass, metal, or plastic containers with tight lids is also a useful means of grain beetle prevention.